Award-winning Charity Film: Centenary Film

A film to mark 100 years since the founding of the Twickenham & Thames Valley Beekeepers Association, a charity that promotes beekeeping in West London, Surrey and along the Mole Valley. More info here:

Poster design by Vincent Furnier.

The Centenary Film

Logo designed by Be Curious

Filming took place on 31st May and 1st June 2019 at the Twickenham Apiary.

Producer: Laurel Parker
Writer, director: A D Cooper
Camera: Candida Richardson
Camera Assistant: Alexandra Voikou
Sound Recordist: Rory Smith
Editor: Roberta Bononi
Composer: Henry Bird
Narrator: Holli Dillon
Sound Post Production: 5A Studios
Grade: Wash TV

Spring recce with Candida Richardson the cinematographer.

Best Environmental Film

The crew trying to film a bee on a blossom. Not easy.

This is a BAFTA-qualifying festival, screening 29 September.


The film crew in bee suits

Announced 11 November online

Microphones were dropped inside the hive to get the normal buzz of a colony.

Broadcast on NVTV (25/6 March) and Latest TV Brighton, KMTV Kent, Notts TV Nottingham and Sheffield Live Local TV (18 April 2021)

Relaxed bees but no posing for close ups.

The slate

This is an online competition in July 2020 and a possible live showcase at the British Museum at a later date.

Macro shots.

Not just in the festival catalogue but to be screened n Hungary in mid September.

Sound and vision in the hive

Recording the buzz track takes on a new meaning

Pollen and honey stocks

Making use of the crowd marshal’s high chair to film the rugby crowd.

Getting ready to interview local MP and TTVBKA patron Sir Vince Cable.

Sir Vince Cable on screen

Bringing some colour to beekeeping.

Roberta Bononi working on the first edit.

Caroline completing the edit at Wash TV

Actor Holli Dillon reads the narration.

Recording the narration at 5A Studios

Sound Design at 5A Studios

The film is also now streaming on the BBKA website.

The British Beekeepers Association like this film so much it's embedded on their website.

An article in the BBKA Newsletter 2020.

A review from one of the society members.